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Mini-Vacations for Caregivers

Those of Us Caring for Aging Parents Need a Break!

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How can you manage 20 mini-vacations a day? By thinking small, even micro. These vacations cost little or no money, don’t take significant planning and can be taken just where you are now. Here are some ideas:
  • Give a hug—to your child, your spouse, your dog, your cat, a friend, a stuffed animal
  • Look out the window and really look. What’s the sky look like? Is it raining? Take some time to be grateful for the day.
  • Say a prayer.
  • Do a few stretches—arms, shoulders, neck.
  • Close your eyes and imagine your favorite spot. Feel it, see it in detail.
  • Walk around the office a few times.
  • Watch people walking outside. Imagine where they’re going, what’s happening in their lives. 
  • Laugh at a joke.
  • Get a fresh cup of coffee, tea or chocolate and savor it slowly, really tasting it as it slides past your tongue and throat.
You're getting the idea!

Mini-vacations may take a small amount of planning, especially if you wish to have pictures or music readily available. But for the most part, just look up, notice the world around you, move around it a little. There are endless opportunities for a break in your routine. Parentcare 101 encourages you to take care of yourself. Try some of the resources below for more mini-vacation suggestions: